15CHE (Partial Gut/Reno - New Kitchen)
In 2014 I discussed the possible re-design of this kitchen with the client but at the time, she wasn't convinced that my design recommendations were going to work as she thought her kitchen was too small for what I proposed. Uncertain on how to proceed, she did nothing until 5 years later when she finally got fed up with her kitchen, bit the bullet and trusted in my vision for her kitchen. Here are some before and after shots....

Unattractive and a Waste of Space
Like many old-style kitchens, this one had a bad usage of the space available and the combination of the honey-yellow cabinetry with the white appliances combined with the dark green countertop was most unappealing. Additionally, since she cooks soups often, the stove shoved into the corner made it necessary for her to have to clean her walls every time she cooked.

A New Kitchen Emerges
I removed the enclosing walls, relocated the stove to make use of the wasted space at the far-end of the kitchen and replaced the kitchen table with a cozy sitting area for the client to enjoy her morning coffee and her orchids. We even added a pantry as the profile of the refrigerator (an unexpected bonus for her as she was certain that there wasn't room for a pantry).

Clean and Crisp! Cabinetry in soft, creamy-white.
No Protruding Appliances or Lines

A Place to Contemplate the Day
A Cornice with a Textured Fabric

Looking Into the Dining Room from the Kitchen (before)
The New View from the Dining Room
I removed the original closets and relocated them to one side of the room so that there would be a wide open view from the kitchen to the front door of the apartment, thus giving the kitchen the feeling of being wider than it really is. The entryway is now the perfect place for a showpiece console.

Get It Out of the Way!
The new, unimpeded view from the front door!

The Original View from the Living Room
Before the renovation, when you first walked in, you were greeted by a closet and then had to walk a labyrinth-like path to get to the living room, bedrooms, dining room, kitchen and bathroom. The view from the living room was narrow and another person couldn't walk by when the hall closet door was open.